Bringing Energetic Harmony To Your Life and Home

Welcome to the intersection of harmony, aesthetics, and sustainability. As an interior designer, feng shui consultant, and advocate of biophilic design, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey where spaces become more than just physical environments—they become reflections of balance, energy, and connection to nature.

At the heart of my practice lies a deep understanding of the interplay between design principles, ancient wisdom, and the innate human need for harmony with our surroundings. Whether you seek to create serene living spaces, optimize the flow of energy in your home or workspace, or cultivate environments that foster well-being and vitality, I am here to guide you through a holistic approach to design.

With a passion for blending the artistry of interior design with the wisdom of feng shui and the principles of biophilic design, I strive to craft spaces that not only delight the senses but also nourish the soul. From harmonizing spatial layouts to integrating natural elements and sustainable materials, each project is a unique opportunity to co-create environments that resonate with your aspirations and support your well-being.

Together, let us embark on a journey of transformation, where spaces become sanctuaries, and design becomes a catalyst for balance, beauty, and connection. Welcome to a world where design meets intention, and every space tells a story of harmony and vitality.




Step into the world of intentional design with me, your certified residential interior designer, feng shui consultant and advocate of biophilic design. With a passion for home decor that transcends mere aesthetics, I am dedicated to crafting spaces that resonate with harmony, balance, and vitality. Whether you're seeking to harmonize your home's energy flow, infuse natural elements into your living spaces, or simply transform your surroundings into sanctuaries of well-being, I am here to guide you on this transformative journey. Let's create spaces that not only reflect your personal style but also nurture your spirit and inspire connection with the world around you. Let's make your home a true reflection of your essence and aspirations. 

My Mission

At the intersection of aesthetics and harmony, my mission as residential interior designer and feng shui consultant is to craft spaces that transcend the ordinary, embodying balance, serenity, and purpose. I believe in the transformative power of intentional design, where every element contributes to the well-being and harmony of those who inhabit the space. Guided by principles of feng shui and a deep understanding of my clients' needs and aspirations, I strive to create environments that not only reflect their unique identities but also foster a sense of connection, tranquility, and inspiration. My mission is to empower individuals to live in spaces that support their journey towards holistic living, personal growth, and fulfillment. Through my expertise, creativity, and dedication, I aim to enrich lives one space at a time, creating homes that are not only beautiful but also nurturing havens for the soul.

"My passion is to bring energetic harmony to lives and
make your home a place you don't want to leave."
- Candy Dodson